Seickel & Sons—80 years in the apparel industry
We have set up and serviced major clothing factories to small alteration and design rooms. To build high quality garments requires many different machines and techniques. We have the knowledge, the experience and the machinery to help your business succeed. We work with major clothing retailers across the US to install their alteration room equipment and also provide service through our nationwide network of technicians. We refurbish and ship steam presses around the world. We specialize in refurbished steam pressing machines and related items including vacuum dryers, electric and fuel fired boilers and a large inventory of Cissell products.
Off pressing operations
All presses are available in foot, air, automatic and semi-automatic models.
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Alteration Room
Dry Cleaning Steam Equipment
Factory Pressing
Process Steam Boilers
Specialty Equipment
A revolutionary new product for the linen finishing industry
Steamer designed exclusively for dining chair covers
Our patented machine is designed to remove the wrinkles from your dining chair covers and give them that fresh finished look.
If you have an existing Cissell Form finisher, this unit can replace the existing body. If you need a complete unit we make our own base unit as well.
System Requirements:
120V 5Amps
Patent Pending US#61,273,032
The process is simple
- Place cover on frame
- Slide the hold down clamp over the cover and lock into place
- Inspect the cover to make sure seams and pleats are straight
- Press the start button
- When cycle completes, remove the hold down clamp
- Remove the cover
- Fold or place on a hanger
- For sharp pleats, touch up with an all steam iron
Seickel Mini Package
The Seickel Mini Package contains a refurbished manual steam press, a new Rema vacuum, a new Reimers electric steam generator and a new Lattner Blowdown tank. Unlike any other self contained system, our mini package is designed to be assembled on site, so it will fit through a standard 32″ door.
- Found in all major department store alteration rooms, high end hotel valets and sample design rooms nationwide.
- Individual components to make transportation and installation easy.
- Unit comes pre-piped ready for on-site connections to drain, water, vent and electric.
- Service is backed by our nationwide network of repair technicians
For more information download the brochure: